Harness your purpose to create sustainable, scalable profit.

A year-long, holistic mastermind that combines community support with proven growth strategies to help ambitious women scale comfortably and lead confidently.





And most importantly, a year-long container holding space for you to experiment, learn, grow, and ultimately fall in love with being the CEO of your business and building a lasting, legacy brand.



When Callie first started her business, she was running it the way that she thought she “had” to, and exhausting herself in the process. She was constantly facing objections, because her strategies weren’t built around her needs, and her personal brand didn’t convey the true value of her work.

While working together we:

  • Refined her messaging to reflect the transformation she provides to her clients.

  • Developed an offer suite that meets clients of all budget levels.

  • Helped her build out passive income offers.

  • Guided her in building an authentic, sales call free business model.

In the process of working together, she hit her first $27k month, secured a baseline of $20k per month, and hit six figures for the year. But more than that, she now has a rock-solid business foundation to build upon.

Life-changing transformations don’t happen because of a single strategy, small tweak, or overnight change.

No matter what anyone tells (or sells) you otherwise.

When you’re jumping from one strategy to the next, finding a new masterclass or coaching program that will *fingers crossed* finally give you the solution to the problems you’ve been dealing with ever since you started your business, you’re not giving yourself the time and space you need to blossom into the CEO that you were meant to be.

“Quick wins” might feel good in the moment, but they’re disrupting your growth potential, destroying your mental health, and shredding your confidence in the long-run.

RISE is a steadily-paced program that helps you gain true clarity, confidence, and cash flow–a transformation that can only be achieved over time, not overnight.

You’ve seen enough glimpses of success in your business to know what’s possible. But while the entrepreneurs you idolize seem to have it all figured out, you feel stuck spinning your wheels at square one…

  • Waking up with a pit in your stomach every day, wondering what mess of onboarding, emailing, and invoicing is waiting for you in your inbox.

  • Constantly scrambling to book clients to pay the bills, while simultaneously drowning in 1:1 work.

  • Plateaued way below your income goal with six-figures and beyond feeling more like a fairytale than a real possibility.

  • Exhausted and overwhelmed from constantly launching to crickets and selling to an ice-cold audience.

  • Stuck between loving what you do and who you work with and wondering if life would be easier if you just called it quits and went back to your 9-5.

You feel like you’ve tried everything. But before you throw in the towel, try one last thing–a year-long commitment to reclaiming your peace, increasing your profit, and building a business that feels incredible to lead.

RISE is a 12-month mastermind that hands you the tools, skills, mindset, and community support you need to thrive in a business that loves you back tenfold.

Making more money is only scratching the surface of what’s possible for you.

While other mastermind programs…

  • Focus on making as much money as possible, however possible.

  • Revolve around the latest trends, not focusing on sustainability and scalability.

  • Don’t help their members establish business systems, selling strategies, and personalized, repeatable frameworks for building a legacy brand.

  • Leave you high and dry once your time together is over.

RISE is an all-in, community-focused, HOLISTIC mastermind that spends an entire year teaching you to set yourself up for personalized success…

  • Building sustainable habits that promote consistency without getting in the way of living your life.

  • Selling beyond “posting and hoping” with proven launch and sales strategies.

  • Increasing your income without adding more work to your plate.

  • Scaling to five-figure months with ease.

  • Creating a brand that supports your wildest dreams.

When joy is the focus, money is the natural result.

RISE focuses on building a joyful business that you truly love to lead, with steady income simply becoming secondary to leading your business from a place of total confidence and clarity.

RISE was built to help you…

  • Diversify your offer suite, with in-demand services that you love to deliver.

  • Step into your CEO mindset. You’re not just an entrepreneur who sells offers on Instagram… you’re an industry leader and it’s time to act like it.

  • Give in order to receive. By lending your expertise to your RISE community, you’ll be uplifted in return.

  • Take advantage of automations, and build out backend business systems that do the heavy lifting for you… on autopilot.

  • Regain your profit, peace of mind, and sense of purpose in your business.

With each month you spend in RISE, you’ll become increasingly confident, the path to your personalized success will become clearer, and you will finally have the space you need to expand into your fullest potential.

The key to true abundance isn’t doing more, constantly scrambling after the next quick-fix sales strategy.

It’s embracing simplicity, building sustainability, and leveraging the depths of your expertise to call in the people that need you.

Here’s what to expect from your year inside RISE:


Embrace and embody your position as a leader in your industry and the CEO of your business.

  • Turn your opinions, ideas, and expertise into a siren song for perfectly aligned customers and clients.

  • Lead your team (or future team) with confidence and clarity.


Make sales and connections EASY with a brand that acts as a magnet to your dream clients.

  • Define clear touchpoints that become instantly recognizable (and loveable!) to your dream clients.

  • Make marketing easy with strategy that sells now and positions you for your long-term goals.


Instantly hook dream clients with an offer suite that makes every offer a no-brainer, regardless of the price tag.

  • Trim the fat until you have a line up of strategically developed offers that you LOVE to provide.

  • Develop offers that seamlessly flow into one another so you can retain more clients and make more money (hello, monthly recurring revenue!) WITHOUT adding more working hours to your plate.


Launch & sell to an eager audience with a personalized framework that builds instant hype around your offers and your brand.

  • Make launching stress-free, so you can focus on the big-picture of your business.

  • Never worry where your next lead is coming from or scramble to fill your books for the month.


  • Quarterly 90-minute 1:1 intensives with Tati

  • Quarterly 90-minute 1:1 intensives with Operations Expert Tara

  • 2 mastermind group calls per month, hosted by Tati

  • 3 expert-led group calls per month.

  • Access to the mindset, lead generation, and operations experts to support you as you scale.

Pay in full & save!



or, spread your investment out over time

Six Months

6 x $4,666

Nine Months

9 x $3,222

12 Months

12 x $2,500

You want more money, you need more time, and if you have another bad day in your business you’re going to burn it all to the ground.

It’s not manageable, and it’s definitely not enjoyable.

Instead of opting for yet another bandaid fix that doesn’t even come close to the root of your scaling and sustainability issues, spend a year planning, implementing, and perfecting personalized business solutions that help you build a brand (and a consistent monthly income) that matches your lifestyle goals.

Laisa had her first $34.5k sales month just 6 months into the RISE Mastermind

Shannon doubled her monthly recurring revenue baseline just 6 months into RISE

Jordan had her first $28k cash month just 6 months into the RISE Mastermind

Wandi has already made 6 figures in 2024 just 6 months into RISE Master

Meet the RISE board of experts


Meet the RISE board of experts |

The honest truth? A year ago, my business profit hit zero and I started scrolling LinkedIn looking for a full-time job…

Within the first few months of starting my business, it skyrocketed.

I was lucky to quickly replace, then double, then TRIPLE my corporate income within the first six months of being an entrepreneur. Coming from a high-pressure corporate PR role, I implemented real-world business growth strategies into my business from the start and saw an instant ROI. I had a vision, I trusted my intuition, and I went all-in.

But, a year into my business, everything shifted. I got stuck looking at others in the online business space to dictate my next move. I created services because they created services. I posted content because it was what everyone was posting. I was so concerned with everyone else in my industry that I lost sight of myself. I shut out my intuition and unintentionally gave away all my power by constantly comparing myself to others.

It was there, finger hovering over the “quick apply” button on yet another job that I was technically qualified for but less than passionate about that I realized…

I didn’t need to throw in the towel, I needed to go back to the drawing board.

So, instead of giving up, I leaned all the way in…

  • I reconnected with my intuition, and it told me that I needed a major shift in every area of my business.

  • I relearned the four pillars of this mastermind—leadership, brand building, offer suite optimization, and selling.

  • I invested when it felt terrifying and impossible.

  • I got crystal-clear on how I wanted my business to support my lifestyle, and cut out everything that stood in my way.

  • I stopped playing small, watering myself down for the sake of fitting in and not ruffling any feathers.

…and I felt the shift almost instantly. When I prioritized my community, my mindset, my systems, and my big-picture vision, my business flourished.

Now I’m comfortably sitting at $30k+ months (with stability from monthly recurring revenue), taking time away from my business without worrying about things falling apart, and truly living the life of my dreams (not the faux-luxe lifestyle coaches sell you on Instagram. The kind of life where I’m just as happy being heads-down in my business as I am sipping a margarita in the sunshine on a Tuesday afternoon). When you join me and the community inside of RISE, I’ll help you build the same for yourself.

Your questions, answered.

  • Throughout your year in the RISE Mastermind, you will get direct 1:1 access to Tati every month as well as support from her in monthly group calls and the program’s dedicated Slack channel.

  • Yes! There are 6, 9, or 12-month payment plan options available.

  • We developed RISE with entrepreneurs who have plateaued around the $3-8k monthly earning mark and want to scale confidently to five-figure months and beyond. That said, income isn’t the only qualifier for joining this program and if you don’t fit within those parameters feel free to still apply! We are really just looking for a well-rounded community of 8-10 ambitious women who want to completely transform their businesses and lives over the course of the next year.

  • We are working to purposefully curate a community of experts who are willing to scale their business by helping those around them grow. Because of this, RISE will be capped at 10 members.

  • Because true, sustainable growth takes dedicated time. The online business space has a habit of making us feel like fast action is the only action, when this couldn’t be further from the truth. We don’t want to help you skyrocket in your business only to crash and burn. We want to spend the entire year helping you grow immensely AND sustainably.

  • RISE begins January 1, 2025 but our kickoff call will be hosted in December.

  • Honestly, the concept of a “mastermind” has gotten a little muddy over the past couple of years. While many people think it’s simply a long-term group coaching program, a true mastermind (which we’re embodying in RISE) is a community-oriented program that relies heavily on the people within the program to support each other, teach one another, and grow their own business by giving back to their community. This is why we’re being incredibly intentional about the group of women we bring together inside of RISE, and why we emphasize the importance of valuing community when joining.

$50k months, 20-hour workweeks, and in-demand services…

Those are the life-changing results my clients and I experience every single day, and it all starts with the framework you’ll learn to master—and personalize—as a RISE member.

So, click “join now” if you…

  • Know you have the skills and potential to be the next big thing in your industry, but don’t have the operations or strategy to support the kind of massive growth you crave.

  • Feel stuck not knowing how to grow your team, sell your services, or structure your business so that 50+ hour workweeks aren’t your norm (like they are right now).

  • Are sick of suffering from comparison-itis and want the confidence-boosting antidote, stat.

  • Want to expand into your expertise, sell out your services while being your brilliantly multi-passionate self, and get off the income rollercoaster for good.

Give yourself permission to pull up a seat at the table.

You deserve abundance. You deserve to live in your zone of genius, changing your client’s lives in the way that only you can. You deserve a community that supports you, sales that feel easy, and the life that you’ve always dreamed of.

You deserve it all. So pull up your seat at the table and claim it.